Thursday, June 13, 2013

Parts of Understanding

I find self constantly twisted in the bases of understanding.  It’s a forum of agreeing with one or more parts, even though you may agree with the initial thought - for instance - a moment in time.  When time in brought into prospective it’s accumulative and understanding lays its prickly blanket amongst actual thoughts. Trying to understand the comprehension of understanding will come fighting and you'll get backhanded even if your thoughts are sorting through process.

Agreeing on the known fact of understanding is a treacherous place to climb. At time I find myself dealing with understanding at face value as thought process but other times having to grapple and repel the understanding nature is a tough paradigm.

1 comment:

  1. Kant says there are aspects of reality which are not supplied immediately by the senses. These he calls a priori. "An example of priori knowledge is 'time.' You don't see time. Neither do you hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it, It isn't in the sense data as they are received..." -Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
